Leicester Digital Live through the eyes of an apprentice

Posted 8/10/2019 by Olivia Holliday

Yesterday the RP Analytics team attended Leicester Digital Live hosted by Annica. This was my first event I have attended since starting my position and I found it really inspiring. It was a great way to network with people in the digital industry which has also helped to build my knowledge base. The event from a business perspective was really insightful as it has helped me to better understand how we can improve our digital presence.

The first talk was by Jason Miller, the key point which his talk was based around was the idea of us needing to increase our creativity in order for us to get the best out of our marketing. This is especially prominent in regard to the increase of AI use and an area that we are increasingly helping our clients to recruit talent for across the Midlands region.

Ann Stanley presented the second talk; I found this talk interesting from the perspective of my college studies as she touched upon changing regulations. She spoke about the ‘Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations’ which will soon sit alongside the Data Protection Act and GDPR; the two regulations which we have studied in-depth at college. So, this talk was not only beneficial to my knowledge base but also to my learning and hopefully I will be able to utilise this within my college work.

A key theme that seemed to be a common occurrence within the talks was the idea of increasing conversion rates from website visitors to turning them into customers/clients. An amazing fact shared was that you only have a two second window of opportunity to achieve this conversion. Its all about grabbing their attention and answering the questions they may have before they get chance to answer them.

The final talk by Maddy Potts was ever so engaging where she discussed where we should be looking in order to determine our content. She went through the traditional ideologies and how actually these are no longer relevant in our modern world. Maddy went on to reveal that in fact we should base our content on empathy, which we gain through the understanding our customers; whether we conduct market research to find out how they best like to receive content or create communities where our customers can tell us the problems they have with products so that we can translate that into our marketing in order to further our engagement online.

All in all this event never ceased to impress, it was a great learning opportunity for me as an apprentice in a multitude of ways and I can’t wait to attend Leicester Digital Live 2020 already! There is also the monthly Leicester Digital Meetup event held by Anicca Digital at their offices and sponsored by RP Analytics who bring the pizza and beer. I am hoping to attend as many of these as possible too and continue learning.


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